Årsrapport 2017-2018: Creating Shared Value(s)

Med udgivelsen af ”2018 Yearbook”, som er en del af Mazars’ årsrapport for 2017-2018, træder vi et skridt tilbage for at reflektere over vores internationale udvikling og vækst. Vi dykker også ned i, hvem vi er, vores historie og værdier, og vi benytter samtidig lejligheden til at bekræfte vores #MazarsForGood engagement, hvor vi som en global borger er dedikeret til at have en positiv indvirkning på den verden og det samfund, som vi agerer i. Vi bidrager til samfundet på den bedst mulige måde – vi leverer kvalitetsservice til vores kunder, så de opnår en bæredygtig vækst, vi gør det muligt for vores talentfulde medarbejdere at nå deres højeste potentiale, og vi bidrager til den offentlige debat med et positivt indblik for fremtiden.

Nedenstående indhold forefindes kun på engelsk.

Our 2018 Annual Report comprises two distinct documents: our 2018 Yearbook and our 2017-2018 Financial Statements. Regarding the latter, we have been publishing our consolidated accounts since 2005, jointly audited and under IFRS, because we seek to apply to ourselves the same discipline that is expected from our clients.

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In 2017/2018, our global revenues were up 8.7%, and now exceed 1.6bn euros, with all service lines and continents contributing to our progress. We see this as proof that our model, our values, and our development strategy are robust, reliable and relevant. We also consider this as evidence of the technical excellence of our people and of the high quality services we provide to our clients, SMEs and large organisations alike, all over the world.

In the last two years, we underwent a smooth leadership transition phase. A seamless handover was required by Mazars’ size and evolution, and we are proud to say it has been not only an enjoyable but also an effective journey. In December 2018, we announced the effective transition of Hervé Hélias to the role of Global Chairman of the Board. Hervé Hélias was appointed Group CEO in 2016 and is now succeeding Philippe Castagnac, who successfully held the position of Chairman for the past seven years and the position of Group CEO from 2011 to 2016.

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Nurturing growth


Our entire history is one of continuous development, but we do not see growth as an end in itself. Rather, our priority is about helping our clients grow, as well as contributing to a healthier, better functioning business community. By nurturing our growth and that of those we serve, we aim to create sustainable shared value for all.




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Staying ahead


Forward looking organisations are the ones that will succeed. In all aspects of our business, we believe innovation and the ability to transform are going to be key differentiators. Whether we think about technology, talent management or thought leadership, we want to get and stay one step ahead to better serve all of our stakeholders.




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Please download below:

  • Our 2017-2018 Financial Statements, jointly audited and under IFRS.
  • Our 2019 Leaflet “Mazars at a Glance” where you will find in a nutshell our key facts and figures as of 1 January 2019.
  • Our 2018 Yearbook “Creating Shared Value(s)”.


Yearbook 2018 English.pdf
Yearbook 2018 français.pdf
Mazars at a glance 2019.pdf
Mazars en bref 2019.pdf
Financial Statements 2017/2018.pdf
Documents financiers 2017/2018.pdf